At february, 17 the new Hot_Fix IP_Seismic 2025.1.1  is available for verison IP_Seismic 2025.1. Here you may see what was fixed:

January, 22, the new version of IP_Seismic 2025/1 is available for our clients. Authorized users can download it from our web site. What's new in IP_Seismic 2024.3 is here:

31.12.2024  The company "Priezzhev Laboratory" congratulates everyone on the upcoming New Year 2025 and Christmas! Good health to you, interesting projects, and a great mood in the new year!

At November, 11 new patch 2024.3.1  is available for version 2024.3  

What's new in IP_Seismic 2024.3.1 you may see here:

Our company took part in Corporate Forum in Tyumen from October, 29 to October, 31. Forum was organized by Tyumen Petroleum Research Center (Rosneft).

Some pics available  here:

Corporate forum programm is here:

October, 24: our company took part in online-forum "Innovations to improve the efficiency of oil and gas asset support" by LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering" company.

Forum programm of our subcetion 5.1 you can see here:

September, 30, the new version of IP_Seismic 2024.3 is available for our clients. Authorized users can download it from our web site. What's new in IP_Seismic 2024.3 is here:

Our company took part at traditional conference Geomodel in Gelendghik city from Sepember 9 to12 with reports and commercial presentation.

Some pics available here:

Our Greetings with Oilman day!

July, 29. new patch 2024.2.1  is available for version 2024.2  What's new:

June, 30. IP_Seismic 2024.2 released. Downloading is available to authorized users.

What's new:

On June 4 and 5, our company took part with a presentation at the second annual conference of PJSC NOVATEK in Tyumen.

Photos of our presentation:

The programm of the conference:

From May 20 to 24, a training course for specialists of the Tyumen Petroleum Research Center (Rosneft) “Machine learning, performing a neural network forecast of reservoir properties and clarifying field parameters in the IP_Seismic software package” was held in Tyumen.

Some pics:

At April 26 The First Forum of IPLab LLC was successfully held in Moscow.

The Forum was attended by about 100 people from 40 companies from 10 cities of the country. The Forum program included not only the presentation of the company OOO Priezzhev Laboratory, its new technologies, new capabilities of the IP_Seismic 2024.1 version, but also reports on the use of IP_Seismic by some users, such as OOO Purgeofizika, OOO Gazpromneft-NTC, OOO Gazpromneft-ITS, OOO TNNC and OOO NOVATEK-NTC.

Comparisons of some capabilities that are available in a number of foreign software were also given. It was shown that the capabilities of the Russian IP_Seismic software are superior to foreign analogues, which is extremely important and especially relevant in the context of import software substitution.

The company "Priezzhev Laboratory" expresses its deep gratitude for the most interesting reports and for the unique capabilities of IP_Seismic shown on real projects to subsoil users and service companies.

Forum's program:

Forum's participants:

Some pics:
